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Text File  |  2022-08-26  |  4KB  |  118 lines

  1. u
  3.            by Dave Moorman
  7. Com   Action       Syntax   Comments
  8. ------------------------------------
  9. @     Set Label    @Label   Also REM
  10. ------------------------------------
  11. ^     Set Do
  12. ------------------------------------
  13. _     Loop to Do
  14. ------------------------------------
  15. #     Exit Do-Loop
  16. ------------------------------------
  17. <     Commands
  18. ------------------------------------
  19. <cb#>  Border              # = 0-15
  20. ------------------------------------
  21. <cc#>  Caption              Graphics
  22. ------------------------------------
  23. <ce#>  Edge Caption         Graphics
  24. ------------------------------------
  25. <cr#>  Reverse Edge         Graphics
  26. ------------------------------------
  27. <cf#>  Frame                Text
  28. ------------------------------------
  29. <ck#>  Background           All
  30. ------------------------------------
  31. <ct#>  Text                 Text
  32. ------------------------------------
  33. <cv0>  Reverse Off          Graphic
  34. ------------------------------------
  35. <cv1>  Reverse On           Graphic
  36. ------------------------------------
  37. <d>    Display Graphic
  38. ------------------------------------
  39. <dc#>  Add Caption           #=lines
  40. ------------------------------------
  41. <e>    End Presentation
  42. ------------------------------------
  43. <ft#>  Show FTS Loaded to #
  44. ------------------------------------
  45. <fs#>  Font for Screen from #
  46. ------------------------------------
  47. <fg#>  Font for Graphic from #
  48. ------------------------------------
  49. <fn>   Font Normal
  50. ------------------------------------
  51. <g@label> Go to @label
  52. ------------------------------------
  53. <j#>   Jiffie Counter Set to #
  54. ------------------------------------
  55. <k>    Get Keypress (Does not wait)
  56. ------------------------------------
  57. <kC    Check for keypress C=char
  58. ------------------------------------
  59. <k\#   Check for F# key press
  60. ------------------------------------
  61. <k\m+  Check if music is on
  62. ------------------------------------
  63. <k\m-  Check if music is off
  64. ------------------------------------
  65. <k\r   Check for RETURN keypress
  66. ------------------------------------
  67. <k\s   Check for SPACE keypress
  68. ------------------------------------
  69. <k\#   Check for NO keypress
  70. ------------------------------------
  71. <k\(vov) Check for comparison
  72.          v = variable or number
  73.          o = =,>,<, or A (for AND)
  74. ------------------------------------
  75. >    End Konditional Command Area
  76. ------------------------------------
  77. <lg"graphfile">  Load SHP graphic
  78. ------------------------------------
  79. <l#"file">   Load to buffer # (1-3)
  80. ------------------------------------
  81. <m+#>    Music Start from Buffer #
  82. ------------------------------------
  83. <mp>     Music Pause
  84. ------------------------------------
  85. <mr>     Music Resume
  86. ------------------------------------
  87. <m->     Music Off
  88. ------------------------------------
  89. <ma>     Music Again
  90. ------------------------------------
  91. <p#>     Pause for # Jiffies
  92. ------------------------------------
  93. <sw#>    Switch to script in buffer#
  94. ------------------------------------
  95. <ss#>    Sub to script in buffer #
  96. ------------------------------------
  97. <sr>     Return fom Sub script
  98. ------------------------------------
  99. <tn>     Begin New Text Region
  100. ------------------------------------
  101. <te>     Begin Extended Text Region
  102. ------------------------------------
  103. <v>      View Text
  104. ------------------------------------
  105. <w>      Wait for keypress or number
  106.          of jiffies to continue.
  107. ------------------------------------
  108. <vv=VAL> Set Variable to VAL
  109.          All vars begin with "v"
  110.          VAL can be any BASIC value
  111.          assignment.
  112. ------------------------------------
  113. A        AND (v1=v1 A 128)
  114. O        OR  (v2=v2 O 64)
  115. N        NOT (v3=v2 A N 128)
  116. ------------------------------------